


5 TRPGs From Asian Creators You Can Play Right Now

May is Asian American & Pacific Islander Heritage month and StartPlaying.Games is celebrating some of the amazing Asian creators in the Tabletop Roleplaying Game space. In no particular order, here is a list of some of our favorite recent TRPG products from AAPI creators.

5 Essential Things To Know About Forgotten Realms' Icewind Dale

Dungeons & Dragons players will soon be bundling up and casting continual flame, as Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden releases September 15th. Longtime fans are eager to return to Icewind Dale, the land once roamed by Drizzt Do'urden. Newer players probably don’t even know who that is, or why the D&D equivalent of the obligatory snow level is so exciting.

Microscope: The Game of Time

Do you ever get blackout drunk with your friends one night, then the next morning, all of you gather around some medicinal mimosas and first-aid pancakes to play a game where you piece together what happened? Microscope is that game.